
Fiat Professional Camper – ADV and website

Fiat Professional Ducato Camper

“Born to be a motorhome

Since 2003 we had the pleasure to supply advertising material for Ducato Camper, the n°1 in Europe, with more than 70% of circulating campers being on a Ducato base.
From the successful claim “Born to be a motorhome” on, our leaflets, brochures and campaigns have told about a comfortable and reliable vehicle, capable of promising “Peace of mind” to thousand of travellers all around Europe.

Not to be forgotten, the very first dedicated website was a creation of ours: we carefully managed it for 10 years, assuring graphics, updates and copywriting wherever needed, in 9 languages!

Last but not least, a dedicated Online training helped hundreds of salesmen all around Europe to answer their customers’ enquiries and curiosities about Fiat Professional Ducato.

Fiat Professional Ducato Camper
2003 > 2014
All Europe
Localized in
9 languages
Fiat Professional Ducato, ADV, Website, Training