
FCA Customer satisfaction programme

LMS online training

The web-based-training (WBT) on the FCA Customer Experience platform is perhaps one of the best case histories regarding the communication of a (very) complex product.

There were three needs: to explain the logic of calculating the metrics of the FCA Customer Experience, to create a manual for the use of the web app, and to locate the wbt in 23 countries, without ever showing the sensitive data visible on the platform display pages.

We redesigned a strongly iconized version with only those elements truly useful for users, without ever using texts.

The final result: the complex operation is easy to explain, no sensitive data is visible and translating is very fast and simple because no display page has to be imported in the 23 target languages.

FCA Unetversity for FCA
EMEA market area
Localized in
23 languages
FCA, Customer Statisfaction Programme, Articulate Storyline, LMS, SCORM, instructional design